Sunday, December 2, 2007

16 Wiki me Wiki you

Wikis, what a wonderful way to help share information, but do we really think that as a profession we want to relinquish the control and power we have over all those people who come to us for information???? I know that many people are working in libraries to share information and help people in their search for further information, but at the moment we control what we do to a certain extent. I notice that by reading some of the other blogs that the control of content in a wiki seems to be a major concern, and after watching the interview with the guy who created Wikipedia on the Sunday show a while ago I understand this. It was interesting as the interviewer questioned him on information about herself that she found on Wikipedia that was in fact wrong! I personally think that Wikis could be a great tool, but would have to be monitored to ensure content was appropriate and applicable to what the Wiki was about. As many of us are finding whilst doing this Learning 2.0 it is all too easy to be taken off course here on the Internet. I would like to explore the possibility of Wikis for a young adult book group, it seems that it too difficult to get one running in person, perhaps by starting in the electronic world????

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