Sunday, September 30, 2007

Technology related blog thoughts

I am thinking that this blogging could become a little addictive, but probably not enough to rival chocolate.
What I am finding a little annoying is the multitude of usernames and passwords that you have to remember, and sometimes these wonderful things like flickr seem to be a bit ponderous, it took me forever to get just seven photos on there. I am sure there is an easier way to do it, but I just wanted to do it and get it done.
Went to the movies today and saw Stardust, very funny, loved it and would recommend it to anyone.


Originally uploaded by primrose1934
Aren't these lovely finger toes!

Monica modelling FTI

Originally uploaded by primrose1934

Hard at work and deep in thought

Originally uploaded by primrose1934
Saw this at the Nan Tien Temple and loved it.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

another one

I have made a Library Thing, but don't know how to put it on my blog, my first attempt failed miserably, so stay tuned.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Have finally Flickred. Heaps of photos out there, seemingly many of libraries, do we have nothing else to do but put photos out there and talk to each other in the electronic world. Just makes me ponder a bit, but that said I do love looking at what everyone else puts out there, people are funny creatures aren't they.

Now to find something to add to my blog post, that may have to wait, I'll find something cool hopefully.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tried again, this one will be it

Well, I've tried again, with the realisation that I'm supposed to be aware that all you people will be reading this now I feel the pressure to be at least a little bit interesting. Don't know how that will go for me.

Hope to get back to the 2.0 stuff this week, been busy, have to do an activity this afternoon and I'm not ready.

Christian your photo is a bit scary, and Heather think of how blogs can get all that interesting history out there to the people who are missing it!!!

back soon.