Saturday, October 6, 2007


Just had a go at Rollyo, have to say not sure that I like it at first look. I tried to make a search roll for children's literature, there are some great sites out there as I found out when I did a children's lit subject for my course. I gathered together a few including Wikipedias entry on children's literature and then tried a simple search. The search results all seemed to be from the Wikipedia site and I found that a bit frustrating. I then removed the Wikipedia site from the list of sites in my search engine, the results are a bit better now.

I suppose that it might have uses in a library setting, maybe a school library where teachers want to have certain sites grouped together, but the advertising was a bit of a nuisance. Maybe it would just be easier to have a list of suitable sites linked by a topic and let people look on their own.

I guess a question is, do sites like Rollyo just make people even less information literate as certain people (like librarians) are doing their research for them??

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